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Quote about Stress

A common misconception is that stress is something that happens to us when, in reality, we experience stress to varying degrees depending upon our response to situations, circumstances, and events that take us outside of our comfort zone.

Throughout life, there are going to be many times when we find ourselves feeling overwhelmed, unsure of our capacity to cope, and/or simply frightened. How we face these challenges, and how we tackle them, can not only help our peace of mind but also benefit our health.

When we feel anxious, our adrenal glands instantly go into action, releasing adrenaline and cortisol, two hormones that tell the liver to produce blood sugar        so that the body can have the fuel to either fight, or flee, the immediate                   threat, whether it be physical, mental, or emotional.

                        This is great when needed but excessive adrenaline and cortisol                           can upset the natural balance of our physiological processes                             and eventually lead to heart disease, partly because of a                               chronic elevated blood pressure level.

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Instead of eating in response to stress, consider instead some kind of physical activity even if it is just walking briskly around the building or doing jumping jacks in your bedroom. The physical exertion counters the effects of stress.


Look at stress from a different viewpoint. Instead of perceiving it as something bad, try to see it as something positive; a chance to grow, to learn, and/or an opportunity to assert yourself.


Always remember that "this, too, shall pass." In many cases, within a day, a week, or a month, whatever caused the stress will be nothing more than a memory.

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